The Brick In The Wall

S2E4: Percentages, Pounds and Pints. Richard Moxon provides a Secondary view of lockdown, September and GCSE results.

The Bricks! Season 2 Episode 4

The duo are joined by Secondary Assistant Principal, Richard Moxon, to discuss the challenges faced by secondary schools through lockdown and plans for opening fully to all students in September while keeping bubbles operating. We also discuss the process of GCSEs this year and the potential issues that could be faced by students with Ofqual's announcement that they may have to adjust teacher assessment by up to 12% points for A Levels and 9% points for GCSEs.

The duo also discuss the recently announced 3.1% pay award for teachers and the wider implications of this on the sector. The devil is always in the detail!

Richard also confesses to Sunday drinking while watching the football and the Dutch courage it gave him to wind up his then Headteacher with a photo of the Chelsea score. He didn't take it too well and until today didn't know who it was! Something tell us that he might now!

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